This is the longest Emma and I have been separated since she went to Japan at 2. We've gone away together for this long, but we have not been apart. She's due back on Saturday, but I'll be in CT. I won't see her for another 4 days, not fair at all. I hope she is having a wonderful time.
I thought the world was beautiful today. The light was fascinating and it changed often. The clouds were black and white and sun was shining next to dark shaded areas. The drama was all in the landscape today and not in the activities of my life. Things felt calmer. Those candles worked yesterday.
I get home and I walked into my backyard, and all of the buds I'd been shooting for the past couple of weeks were ablaze and I noticed some fast action on the maple tree and I realized there are three Downey Woodpeckers vying for something in the crook of the tree. I shot as many as I could, I knew if I got too close they'd flee, I got a couple good ones. There must have been 2 males and a female. Is that possible? Anyway, I left them alone, but they made me smile sincerely for the first time in a couple days.
There are a lot of pretty pictures today. Go to flickr and look for Dr Lindy's photostream if you want to see more. And if you want to read what I had published this month, you can read it on Eclectic Flash. I'll get the website linked on this as soon as I figure out how to do that.
Meanwhile, sweet dreams, and remember it's all going to be OK, or at least that is what my Ma would say.
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