Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 109

Anybody hear the story about my looking over in my living room one afternoon while watching TV and there was a chipmunk watching with me? Well, today this guy reminded me of that old one. He wasn't afraid of any of us and was just hanging around while I took pictures. There was a fairly large woodpecker someplace, too, but I couldn't get him on film.

This vacation didn't do what I wanted it to do, but that wasn't the vacation's fault, I have been unable to sit and write. I have been too full of language. Now I know that sounds like writing should have been easier, but it is too mixed up and not in a state to be organized and put on paper. Too bad......... I got some photographs taken.

And I have seen people that I don't usually get to see. I got a good visit with Jason and with Adriene. I haven't driven past Hartford in over a week, that's restful. But people around me are not doing great and that is hard.

I want to change the focus of this a little bit. I want to make it more about movement and a little less journally. That's hard because when you are not writing easily.... you resort to journaling. You understand. I think there are some interesting things happening with both my writing and my photography and I want to document that, it is the structure in which to do it in that I have not figured out, yet.

I've been singing "On The Street Where You Live" all day today.

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