It is still snowing. I know this is not a rarity for winter in New England, but the only time we saw this type of storm this winter was mid-December, so for us, it feels off kilter. It is heavy snow, and looks like it goes back and forth between snow and rain, or just plain heavy wet snow, nothing fluffy about this. I’m without phone, Internet or TV. I lost power in the middle of the night, but that came back on, but not the other stuff. A tree limb was down, but the crew came and chopped it up and got it off the wires. I got my phone service back for about 20 minutes and in the middle of a conversation with my sister, it went blank again and I still can’t get through. That’s true for the neighbors, too.
So I went out to take pictures. I walked through the deep snow in the back. I went to investigate other limbs down and I said hi to the yard. I did grab a cotton towel before I went out. At one point I didn’t even think I was standing under trees, but I had put the towel and my hand over the camera and this huge chunk of snow, water, leaves and whatever else fell directly on my camera. I just started laughing. It was a direct hit and if my hand hadn’t been there, it would have been a mess.
The plows have been through, the robin is looking for food, and the neighborhood girls have decided indoor games are the thing for the day. So here I am with a snow day and I think all I have to do is either write or read, the old fashion way. I can’t even check the weather map, another one of my favorite time wasters. I could do a sink full of dishes….. what’s the fun in that? I wish I could blink Emma here, she’d think of something fun. Oh well, I will try to write.
This morning I went through some of my narratives that I have written over the past year. I think there maybe a book in the ones about my mother and my father. If they were placed together as separate chapters, it might be really interesting. I may try to lay it out a little today. I’ve written one or two nice pieces since photography has taken over my life, and I think I really am going to spend March trying to integrate them more. I mean, I really want to document life’s fullness. I think there is a possibility of doing that with both mediums. I think that Paul’s and my book begins to do that, so far on a fairly surface way, but it progresses. It may be important for me to try to do this for myself.
I like this photo. It isn’t unique, but it worked.
I took a nap around noon and woke up to no power at all. That lasted until 4:30 or so, I got out candles and matches and flashlights and waited for night to come upon me, but the power was restored and so was my Internet for about a half hour and now my phone, Internet and TV are out again. Well at least I have heat and my fish have air. (My African Dwarf Frogs, or Emma’s I should say, are very active now that the electricity is back on. I don’t understand them at all.)
I have stayed on the edge of my life today, out of reach, but right here. The radio station isn’t even coming in clearly and I can’t get an up to date weather forecast to see what is coming around the corner. I think Comcast is working on stuff and I will get my communications center back tonight, but if not, I think there will be school tomorrow. No communication is another edge, did people even think about that before the invention of the phone?
It is rain now. The freezing will begin soon. The sun is going down. It is not this beautiful any longer.
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