Yesterday was the first day I missed here since I started. I did get 3 pictures uploaded onto my 365 project, but I did not get to write on my blog. I took Emma to the movies last night and when we got back we watched a little of the Olympics and then off to bed and I fell asleep with her and lasted through the night.
Before that though I took a different ride, or should I say a different way to her house to get her. I went up into Leyden where it is higher and full of farms, looks more like Vt. I took a couple of photos, but mainly I stood at the top of a mountain, alone, in the wind, and felt grateful.
Then on up to Northfield to visit the happy chickens and happy dog and happy cat.
And then this morning I started thinking about the week and what it had meant to me. Did I learn anything new? Do I have any great inspiration for an audience? And I realized I am not in a place to put it into words yet. So photos will have to do.
Emma and I had a good day today. We bought some small jigsaw puzzles and after a ride and a Chinese lunch we did puzzles together.
I do have something brewing about pre-teen literature in my brain. I've got this 3rd grade goddaughter who can read everything and anything and wants to read everything. There is a lot out there for this group now.... I think I need to read some of it and get an idea of what I think is good and not so good.... I want her to always be a reader, I want her to love reading more than the computer.
The Green River Dam was clogged with 4 trees that all had lost their bark. The ice had all folded up onto the beach and the river was running but was maybe a foot deep, very low.
I also think I am learning about photography in the digital age. I think my portraits are getting good and I can take a moon shot now. I love having something concrete to look at and determine growth. It's much harder for me to look at my poetry and see maturity. Anyway, another week.... the weather maybe hard for picture taking so I may focus on using the flash.
And finally, it is my friend David's 50th birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID!!!!!
I feel so honored having your support and friendship. I hope you are having a great day. Emma and I looked for a present at the bookstore for you today. You would have enjoyed watching Emma try to figure out what kind of a book you would like. She choose one and then backed away from it. I'll have to show you sometime. She also told me and Geoff that she could teach Mom signed language so she could continue to communicate after her mouth stopped being able to work. Both Geoff and I got teary. Oh well... she is learning about other people's perspectives. I am very glad of that. And I love ya both.
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