Dinner company tonight, so not very reflective at the moment, but I did notice a couple things today.
1) trying to take a good portrait is difficult, but you can't be afraid of getting close.
Obviously light is everything. Fair skin, blue eyed people are hard to take, what is important about their faces, what makes them be unique is dissolved by the two demensionalness of the photo. So I went around today and took pictures of fair skinned people with little success. Sam was walking the dog and out in good late afternoon sun. The indoor pictures all came out wrong.
2) I also played with the lens more today. I took the big trucks doing the big construction at the college. It's like shooting the train, finding the right angle is hard, but you have to in order to make the shot interesting to the audience.
3) When you see the shot, you just have to take it, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work, but you can learn something from it. And in the end, don't be afraid to throw it out.