Long day on the road; two traffic jams due to accidents, one going and one coming back. But I got to spend the day with my friend David, which never happens, our lives are way too busy, so today was a gift for me. We went and saw Mom, took her for her ice cream, stared at Long Island (it was too cold to get out and take pictures, but it was as clear as a bell) and then drove her home.
Now one cool thing was that my cousin Lorie was there when we arrived and so there was 70 years of memories. We heard the story of my grandmother Overman's wedding dress. She made it herself in Iowa while waiting for Grandpa to finish at the U. of Nebraska. She lived at home with her family to help her mother take care of an ailing aunt. She was one of 14 children. Anyway, Lorie wore her dress, and her daughter in law wore the dress and now they were talking about packing it up for Hannah. I love this generational stuff. YUP!!!
Don't worry, David shot this picture at my request. I didn't take pictures while I was driving in heavy traffic.
David walked around the car to kiss me good bye and I looked up and there was the moon. We'd been staring at the sun going down for the previous half hour, so it shocked me, but there it was above his head. I believe it shines for him. He is my good friend. I am lucky.