It is Molly Whiton's birthday today. She is the grandmother of Hannah Lawson, she is my sister-in-law. She is probably the most just person I know.
Molly and I live very different lives. We strive for different things in someways and in other ways we care about the same things: the well being of the people of the world, her Granddaughter's happiness. I love Molly. I always will.
Day 68, the days just pile up, one on top of another and when you commit to documenting them, it takes a lot of time, it makes time thin out and it requires that you slow everything down while you cram in more. You force yourself to acknowledge that you see;
the light, the golden light on the cherry seat of the swing
the new building by the co-op is lit up in its installation wrapping
that the 22 month old was telling you that the wolf blew and blew
that the firehouse has a wonderful cupola atop of it.
A pair of ducks separated themselves from the flock
Students are walking with wider strides.
That you really still love this man who continues to make you laugh.
That you get tired at 2:30 and need a nap.
That lying down and being still works as well as napping.
That the light at 5:30 has an orange tint, not a glow yet, but a tint.
That you can still see the door to the apartment open by seeing light appear through the stained glass window.
That you have many references to the single word "lion."
That for you writing is just something you have to do.
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