Today I get an F for eating, and a C- for giving into fighting with a kid.
I keep making this assumption that everyone knows what they are feeling and if you just give them room to express it they will tell you. I forget what it is like to not understand your feelings at all, or to be 9 years old.
I got to the church before 9, everyone was there. The beginning was sort of a kind of breakfast and people visited for an hour, people I hadn't seen since Diane's wedding, and people here that we all had in common. It was a sweet gathering. The funeral director told Diane he'd hire Emma as a greeter and telephone receptionist because of how sweet she was. Yep, she has reached an age where she is able to see beyond her own priorities.
Rest in peace Jack. I hope there is a great room for you and other great thinkers to discuss history.
The other part of the day that was interesting was that Emma's swimming lesson was very successful. Her teacher told me that she is the best listener in the class and that she works hard at getting it right. The improvement in the past 3 weeks was phenomenal in all of the kids. The point is that it is really important she have something in her life that she is successful at and that challenges her in a way she wants to be challenged, it allows her to be able to do the other stuff.
It is what I am missing at the moment.
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