My hybiscus is blooming, YAYAYAYAYAYYAY
ok, now that I got that over with...
Geoff and I drove to Connecticut to see Mom today. It was a lovely day. It was blue and beautiful and the beach and marina were like when we were kids. And there was tons of activity.
Margie planted flowers for Mom. She planted them near where she can see them from where she likes to sit in the house. It's really pretty. She also hung a birdfeeder up on the deck. It's really sweet. Mom told me today that she was still enjoying books on tape, music, family and friends and ice cream. What else can you want in life......... well I guess independence is important, but she's ok. She's ok.
While Mom napped Geoff and I went to the Sound. God, it was lovely today. There were a couple of wooden boats out in front of us. They were so pretty and the blue of both the sky and the ocean just made me smile.
We then went to Ashley's and got ice cream. Brought it back to Mom, visited a little longer and then drove home. We saw a heron today, we saw swam and ducks, and we saw a big white bird that we didn't think was a egret but it wasn't a swan either.
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