Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 164

How old are you when you are able to understand that there is unfairness in the world? That there is poverty that causes suffering in the world? That cats catch baby mice and kill them? And that people can live in poverty with suffering and still smile and be surrounded by joy?

We had a nice day today. Emma and I went up to Annie's. Kora brought Emma home a beautiful outfit from India. Emma looked so great in it. It was good for us to visit that house. We have great memories of our own there. We've taken care of the animals a few times, and Emma sees Lucy, their German Shepard as her first real dog friend.

Kora took over 1,000 photos in India. They were incredible.

This picture is of my second family watching Kora's photos. Some of the pictures are of an orphanage in Calcutta, some are in the Himalayas where she hiked with a friend. There are city pictures of poverty in beautiful colors, stray dogs, hungry children. She's going to have an amazing slide show when she's finished. Emma sat on Kora's back and watched for a long time, but at some point she needed to go outside. As we got out we were aware that the cats were teasing something on the edge of the trees. They had a baby mouse. Gracey killed it before Emma could save it. "Why do cats kill baby mice? Why are dogs starving in places?"
My answers are too simple; it is life. Truly it is.

"Kora, will you go with me and Lindy to India and make an orphanage for dogs and cats?" Yup, how old? 9 will do.

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