I was visited by Elliot today. It's nice that 2 year olds are still willing to sit and play with me while their parents get things done. Elliot's Momma is also 7 months pregnant so she needed some support this morning while she got stuff done. It was nice to have this clean interaction. 2 year olds are not very complicated. And this one is a sweetie.
I don't have anything extra. I feel better tonight than I did during the day, but I think I had a migraine, like the beginning of a migraine. I took a nap and then Geoff and I went to C.G.s for sushi. That helped, gave me some good protein. I feel a little better, and after a shower and some sleep I know I will feel even better.
Geoff and I are going to meet Kora in Brattleboro for tea tomorrow. YAYAAYAY!!!!
She sounds so well. She's home safe and sound.
Elliot is cute, but oh what a beautiful pansy!